Data Model Framework

The DMF is a metamodel comprising two parts: the Family of Dictionaries (FOD) and the Value Property Metamodel.

Family of Dictionaries

The Family of Dictionaries (FOD) establishes stereotypes for various kinds of definition elements. A FOD defines concepts necessary to understand meaning of observable phenomena in the physical world and how they are measured. It provides a set of mathematical definitions for state quantities and measurements used in the command and control of manned and unmanned vehicles, weapons, sensors and other cyber physical devices. This provides the means to equate the semantics of a named element in one model with the semantics of a named element in another via their unique identifier, thus saving time and reducing errors in model-to-model integration. A sampling of available dictionaries in the FOD includes “Standard International Units”, “Global Time Reference Systems”, and “Space and Time”, along with many more.

Value Property Metamodel

This metamodel establishes stereotypes for various kinds of datatypes and various kinds of properties that can be typed by those datatypes. This metamodel is also based on the FOD ontology and references the FOD metamodel. The Joint Common Datatype Library (JCDL) is created from the Value Property Metamodel. The JCDL derives datatypes from the FODs to be used in conceptual and logical data models. Categories of possible datatypes that can be created from the JCDL include things such as coordinate operations and statistical quantities. 

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